Cioccolata Calda
Porta a casa un esperienza calda e avvolgente
Scopri i nostri Tè a foglia intera e i Blend esclusivi, creati su misura per Farage. Un'esperienza di gusto raffinata, ispirata alla tradizione e alla qualità.

Il regalo perfetto
Aggiungi Bellezza e Valore al tuo regalo con una preziosa Gift Box fatta a mano in Italia. Scegli i prodotti da inserire, al resto ci pensiamo noi

"FARAGE CIOCCOLATO is the result of my great passion. I've always thought of chocolate as a state of mind: life, for me, should be taken with an extra dose of sweetness and cheerfulness."
Lina Farage

Recycle Packaging!
Having an ecological conscience means keeping up with the times and it is right to think about how to contribute to decreasing the volume of rubbish we accumulate every day....
About Us
"Farage Chocolate is the result of my great passion. I've always thought of chocolate as a state of mind: life, for me, should be taken with an extra dose of...
About Packaging
About Packaging

We are here
In the heart of Milan, inside the prestigious
Palazzo Borromeo dAdda.
Via Manzoni 41, a stones throw from the citys finest hotels and
from the Fashion Quadrilateral.